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The New Wave – A Review of the Oriveti OH500 and OH300 Earphones

Oriveti provided these IEMs free of charge for the purpose of my honest review, for good or ill.

The OH500 sells for $499, and the OH300 for $299.
Oriveti OH500 on Amazon

Oriveti OH300 on Amazon

When Oriveti reached out and asked if I was interested in reviewing their new IEMs, I immediately said yes. That’s not a given, these days. In order to keep my backlog to a manageable chaos, I turn down many offers. Furthermore, I don’t spend a lot of time in this price-range. But I remember quite liking Oriveti’s last offerings, and I wished to see their newest developments.

The OH500 and OH300 are beautiful creations to inhabit the audiophile world. The OH300 keeps much of the simple elegance of the New Primacy, while the OH500 reaches a bit further, resembling fossilized amber, or something along those lines. They are both extremely comfortable headphones, and whilst wearing them, I could not tell a difference in size between the two.

In both appearance and design, the OH300 declares itself the successor to the New Primacy, utilizing the same 2x Balanced Armatures and 1x Dynamic setup. The 8mm DD handling low-end frequencies and the dual BA covering mids and highs.

On the other hand, the OH500 is a new creature, and Oriveti’s current flagship. It’s a 4+1 design: 4x Knowles Balanced Armatures to cover mids and highs, and 1x 8mm Dynamic Driver for bass.

Like all Oriveti products, they use MMCX cable connectors. I’ve never been a fan of this design. In fact, I broke one of the cables trying to swap it out. Not surprising in the least. MMCX is a bitch to work with. Your fingers will bleed and you’ll likely damage the product. Do not be distressed. This is all part of the MMCX plan. Your suffering is a goal.

Other than the connector type, I am impressed with the cable. It’s even better than their last launch. And I loved that cable as well. Oriveti takes this aspect serious. They understand the importance of suppleness and ergonomics. And now they’re giving you decent conductor width, for a full and powerful sound.

Both IEMs come with the same case and accessories, which are plentiful and of high quality. You should not be disappointed by what you find. Other brands could take note. This is how you do it… with style.



Pinky Powers

Pinky Powers

Pinky is an artsy twat. Illustration, graphic design, writing. Yet music escapes him, and always has. He builds his own cables, and likes to explore the craftsmanship of others. He's a stabby one, also. At the first hint of annoyance, out comes the blade. I say he's compensating for something... in a big bad way. If we all try really hard as a collective, maybe we can have him put down.


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