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Head-Direct RE2

Reviewed Dec 2009


Details: Old ($99) version of the RE2 IEM
Current Price: N/A (discontinued) (MSRP: $99)
Specs: Driver: Dynamic | Imp: 32 Ω | Sens: 103 dB | Freq: 20-18k Hz | Cord: 5’ I-plug
Nozzle Size: 5.5mm | Preferred tips: Soundmagic PL30 bi-flanges, stock small bi-flanges, De-Cored Olives.
Wear Style: Straight down

Accessories (4/5) – Spare filters, a nice selection of silicone tips (single- and bi-flanges), and a shirt clip. A nice leather-wrapped wooden case was included with my version but is no longer provided.
Build Quality (3/5) – completely plastic shell, some reports of splitting; Cables are thick and sturdy but very plasticky and tangle easily. Hard plastic stem can damage cables
Isolation (2/5) – ported. Bi-flange tips help, but still below average isolation
Microphonics (2/5) Rather poor and cannot be worn over-the-ear well. New cables are improved
Comfort (2.5/5) – cannot be worn over-the-ear; regular straight-barrel IEM otherwise

Sound (6.1/10) – The overall sound surprises with its clarity. The highs are detailed and sound extended, but roll off earlier than I expected and can sometimes be overly bright and a little forward. The mids have good clarity and detail. The smoothness is very impressive for the price, as well. The low frequencies roll off quickly but what is there is detailed and precise. Amping helps.

Amping: Likes a warm amp for a more well-rounded sound. Excessive power is not necessary. Bass boost helps with raising the low-end response.

Value (8.5/10) – At $39, it was easy to recommend the RE2s for lovers of genres that benefit from a neutral/analytical presentation and high level of detail, such as classical. At the new $29 price, they are an absolute steal.

Pros: Great detail and clarity, smooth mids & highs
Cons: Mediocre isolation, cannot be worn over the ear, poor low-end extension, not much bass quantity, can be bright



Picture of ljokerl


Living in the fast-paced city of Los Angeles, ljokerl has been using portable audio gear to deal with lengthy commutes for the better part of a decade. He spends much of his time listening to music and occasionally writes portable audio reviews across several enthusiast sites, focusing mostly on in-ear earphones.


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